How to Reduce Stress: 5 Tips for Reducing Stress at Home

Home is where the heart is. In general, people spend a lot of their free time at home. Right now, creating a relaxing home environment during the COVID pandemic is more important than ever. As a result, it makes sense to have a comforting space as your home base during these difficult times. On the contrary, did you know that an unorganized home can add anxiety to your life? In order to destress and reduce anxiety, read our 6 tips below to learn how to reduce stress. If you have a vacation home at Villa La Estancia, it’ll be easy to enjoy a relaxing and enjoyable environment at the beach in Mexico.

Tip 1: Reduce Clutter

To begin with, did you know that a cluttered home can contribute to feelings of anxiety? For example, have you ever felt a physical reaction such as your chest tightening up or shortness of breath when you walked into a messy room? Many people feel extra stress when surrounded by clutter. In order to reduce these unpleasant feelings, work on creating order and a clean space to help create a calming environment. While organizing, cleaning and reducing clutter can be challenging, don’t become overwhelmed. Instead, focus on one section or room at a time to make progress and reduce anxiety. For example, start by setting aside 15 minutes a day to clean. That way, you can work on decluttering without it feeling like too much work.

Tip 2: Finish Home Projects

Next, have you been putting off home projects that need attention? Many of us can procrastinate and set aside tasks for another day that we never seem to get around to. By doing so, we are constantly reminded of projects that need to be taken care of which can add stress in our lives. By taking action to complete a home project, you can combat anxiety and stress. To start, make a list of tasks that need to be taken care of. Start small and check off tasks as you go. As you eliminate projects that need to be done, you will feel a sense of accomplishment that creates a more peaceful home environment. For even more relaxation, play some of your favorite music while you tackle a task. Music is a great way to reduce stress and create a soothing ambiance, too.

Tip 3: Update Your Home Office

Another way to reduce stress at home is to rework your home office space. More people are working remotely from home. As a result, it’s important to have an efficient and organized space in order to be productive. If you find that your home office isn’t set up to your liking, try to improve the space. Take time and care into creating a comfortable work area for yourself. Even if you don’t have a separate office, you can create a workspace using a divider or furniture to designate a work area. In order to keep your work space fresh, try mixing up where you work by spending time in the outdoors, too.

Tip 4: Healthy Snacks and Regular Exercise

If you are working remotely, you may find yourself in the kitchen for breaks. When working in an office, many employees would take a break in the lunch or break room to grab a coffee, tea or snack. While many people are working at home, the kitchen has replaced the break room at work. Make sure to have healthy snacks on hand so you don’t end up grabbing junk food which can make you feel sluggish and adversely affect your health. Weight gain and a lack of exercise are bad habits that can be avoided with simple preparation. Make sure to have healthy snacks like cut up veggies and fresh fruit on hand when a craving hits during your work day at home. Also, make sure to also carve out time for daily exercise, too. Exercise is the number one best medicine for combating stress and reducing anxiety at home.

Tip 5: Housemates & Pets

Lastly, the people and animals that live with us play a huge role in our overall happiness at home. While one of the benefits of quarantine is having more quality time with loved ones, it is important to have enough space for alone time, too. For example, make sure to recognize when you need a break from being around others. Try to meditate or get some fresh air on your own. If you have pets, make sure to attend to their needs, too. Pets need daily walks in order to relieve their own stress and excess energy. If a pet is bored or doesn’t get enough exercise, they may get into mischief and that could add stress to your life. A lack of sleep can ruin your day and is bad for your health. If your pet wakes you up at night, you may want to try having your poet sleep in a crate at night so you can get a much needed good night’s sleep.

We hope our 5 tips for reducing stress at home will help you create your own personal oasis. Do you own a beachfront residence at Villa La Estancia? We have luxury properties in Riviera Nayarit and Cabo San Lucas that make a perfect second home in paradise. Homeowners will love creating a comfortable space at the beach where they can create cherished memories with their loved ones. Want to see which luxury units are still available for sale? Contact us today to learn more. In the meantime, do you have any of your own tips that you’d like to share? If so, let us know in the space below.